The word psychic tends to evoke several stereotypical images within pop-culture. There’s the image of a “Mystic Meg” type; an overly theatrical woman dressed as a gypsy with a crystal ball, presumed to be a charlatan touting her fortune-telling abilities.

Then there’s the mysterious character in thriller type movies, blessed or cursed with ‘special’ abilities to ‘see’ things other people can’t see. Typically no one believes them, and they are lonely isolated figures who aren’t much understood. Sometimes we think about ‘psychic powers’, again a Hollywood theme that presents a character with unique supernatural powers such as reading other people’s minds, telekinesis or an ability to open portals to other worlds.

It’s a shame because the term ‘psychic’ has little to do with these images. The word ‘psychic’ actually means pertaining to the psyche, and the word psyche refers to soul. Traditional wisdom teaches that all of us have a soul; all of us are psychic beings because we all have a psyche.

We all know that there is more to life than what we perceive with the five prime senses: seeing, smelling, touching, hearing, and tasting. There’s a whole other dimension to life that happens behind closed eyes; there’s the more subtle world of our thoughts, emotions, fantasies and dreams.

People who we label as psychic are just those of us who are better acquainted with the vast realm of existence that we become most aware of when we close our eyes and meditate or when we dream. It’s not that when we open our eyes, it all disappears and no longer exists; it’s just we tune out of it and are drawn into five-sense reality.

I believe that everyone is innately psychic and those that don’t believe in the psychic are usually those of us who are either five-sense dominant or out of touch with the inner-world. Conventionally we irrationally under-value the power of the psyche, despite the fact that virtually everything humanity has created, came first from the images, visions and thoughts of our inner psychic realm.

Notably movies are so compelling precisely because we all share in a psychic reality; try staying solely in five-sense reality and a movie soon becomes what it literally is: a boring sequence of scenes with actors, cameras, scripts and costumes; it no longer draws us in because it is only compelling at the psychic level.

Everyone’s psychic capacity is a little different because we are individually influenced by a unique set of archetypes, which can be mapped through astrology. Good psychics are usually introverts simply because we unveil the psychic dimension of life by going inward; it’s a muscle like any other capacity, which gets better the more we use it.

The benefits of psychic awareness are not limited to those once-in-a-blue-moon ‘glamour’ moments like when we somehow know a loved one has just passed, or we have a feeling to avoid a plane journey that is destined to crash. In order to become self-realised, we must develop psychic awareness, through which we enhance and amplify our capacity to know ourselves and to know others. Psychic awareness helps in all relationships, and it is essential if we want to heal at emotional and mental levels. Often psycho-therapeutic processes cultivate greater psychic awareness for this reason.

In order to turn our innate psychic nature into a useful skill however, not only do we need to cultivate psychic awareness, we also need to become symbolically literate so that we are able to translate the images and impressions we receive into something relevant and useful; it’s all very well being able to ‘see’ images (clairvoyance) but its quite useless unless we can accurately decode them. Psychic development is a component of my self-realization mentoring service, where techniques and exercises are custom fit to the individual.

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